Some of the terms and terminology can be confusing so here is a brief breakdown of the main terms.

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Money Site

A “Money Site” usually refers to the website that you want to build links to. It can also refer to your social post, profile or anything that is the primary property that you want to rank/promote.

Cloud Site

A cloud site is a site hosted on a cloud service such as Google Cloud or Amazon AWS.

Cloud Page

A cloud page is a singular page hosted on a cloud service such as Google Cloud or Amazon AWS.

Cloud Authority Stack

This is a stack of powerful cloud sites or pages, interlinked to leverage maximum power to your site.  

Contextual Link

A contextual link is a link within the content related to the content rather than a link on a profile page and not within content.

Google Authority Stack

A Google authority stack is a stack of powerful Google properties including Google Docs, Googls Sheets etc, interlined to provide authority to your site.

Google Entity Stack

A Google Entity Stack or Google Power Stack is a stack of Google properties that are interlinked and used to pass power and authority to your money site.


A backlink is a link from another site to your site, these can be do follow (or follow) or no follow. Do follow passes maximum authority and “juice”, no follow is not supposed to pass authority but does help.

Vanity Keyword

A Vanity Keyword refers to a keyword that is very broad or too competitive to rank for.  For example “grass”, “plumber” or “weight loss”.These keywords are very broad and will usually be dominated by big brands spending millions on marketing and optimisations.Better alternatives would be “grass laying service in North London”, “plumber to repair kitchen leak” or “weight loss for people over 60”.  These are also considered Long Tail Keywords.

Long Tail Keywords

The common misconception is Long Tail Keywords are made up of 3+ words.  This is not always the case.For example, someone searching for features on a new TV could enter the model number + features.Long Tail Keywords are usually less competitive and give more opportunity to rank much higher in the SERP.


SERP is an acronym for Search Engine Results page.  That means the search page when the user enters their query.  Ranking higher in the SERP refers to ranking higher up the list of sites for a user search.


Exact Match Query – the exact query that users search for i.e. “plumbers in London”.  Businesses or site owners will try to optimise content for the exact match query which can cause ranking issues if Google views the page as spam or over optimised.

Over Optimised

Over optimised or over optimisation is when a page is too tailored to a query, has too much keyword stuffing, in comparison to the competition.


Partial Match Query – where the page, URL or content partially matches the query.  For example if the query is “plumbers in London” a PMQ example could be “gas plumber London”.