Wha is a Google Stack in SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving field. As search engines like Google become more sophisticated, SEO strategies must adapt accordingly. One technique that has emerged in recent years is known as Google stacking or Google entity stacking.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what exactly Google stacking is, how it works, its purpose in SEO, and best practices for leveraging this approach effectively.

The Limitations of Traditional SEO

In the early days of SEO, strategies focused heavily on optimizing a single website. Common tactics included keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlink building.

However, as search engines prioritized higher quality content and more natural link profiles, the limitations of optimizing just one site became apparent. SEO professionals needed new solutions to meet these evolving algorithmic demands.

The Rise of Web 2.0 Properties

This realization led to the emergence of Web 2.0 properties – mini websites hosted on platforms like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.

The concept was that multiple trusted platforms could enhance a website’s credibility and search visibility. Linking these properties together in a “link wheel” was also believed to distribute SEO power.

Evolution to Google Stacking

Over time, limitations around Web 2.0 properties emerged as well. As a result, SEO professionals moved towards Google stacking as the next evolution of link building strategies.

Rather than rely on a single platform like WordPress, Google stacking involves creating a network of properties across Google’s robust ecosystem. The goal is to tap into the authority provided by Google itself.

What is Google Stacking?

Now that we’ve covered its origins, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of what Google stacking actually entails.


Google stacking refers to an advanced SEO technique that utilizes a network of interconnected Google platforms to build authority and ranking power for a website.

Also known as Google entity stacking, it involves optimizing and interlinking properties like Google My Business, Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Sites to enhance trust and credibility.


The overarching goal is to establish a web of properties on authoritative platforms, centering on Google’s ecosystem, that point back to your main website.

This network strengthens your site’s credibility through Google’s inherent authority, ultimately aiming to improve organic search visibility and rankings.

Key Components of Google Stacking

Successful Google stacking requires blending together several key components:

Google Properties

Central to this approach are Google’s array of properties and tools, including:

  • Google My Business – Optimize listing with relevant keywords, photos, reviews etc.
  • Google Docs – Create and optimize Docs centering on target keywords
  • Google Sheets – Build a sheet with organized links and site data
  • Google Slides – Make presentations focused on site topics
  • Google Sites – Develop an optimized site that brings properties together

Optimised Content

Each property must contain content optimized for both users and search engines. This includes:

  • Relevant, high-quality content – Provide useful information that engages readers.
  • Target keywords – Seamlessly incorporate relevant keywords. Avoid over-optimization.
  • Multimedia – Images, videos, and graphics make content more appealing.
  • Structured data – Markup that enhances information provided to search engines.


A key step is interlinking properties to form connections. For instance:

  • Linking Docs, Sheets, and Slides together as references
  • Embedding Slides into relevant Docs
  • Linking to your optimized Google Site from each property

Linking to Main Website

The final piece is linking these authoritative properties back to your main website. This passes equity to improve the site’s ranking potential.

Why Use Google Stacking for SEO?

Now that we’ve broken down its components, let’s examine the core reasons Google stacking can be an impactful SEO strategy when executed successfully.

Leverages Google’s Authority

Google holds immense authority as the world’s most popular search engine. By tapping directly into their ecosystem, you can benefit from their trust and credibility.

Provides More Touchpoints

Each optimized property serves as another touchpoint to display your brand and content to search engines. More quality touchpoints mean more opportunities for search visibility.

Builds Credibility

A network of properties creates more signals of credibility compared to a single website. This can improve your site’s expert and trust rankings.

Enhances Link Profile

Authoritative inbound links from a Google Stack give your overall link profile a powerful boost. This provides direct SEO value.

Improves Local SEO

For local businesses, a GMB profile optimized for Google stacking can significantly enhance local SEO and map rankings.

Best Practices for Google Stacking

Now that you understand the value of Google stacking for SEO, let’s go over some top practices for implementing this approach effectively:

Conduct Thorough Keyword Research

Build your Google stack around high-value target keywords relevant to your brand. Focus on long-tail variations.

Choose Properties Strategically

Select Google properties that align logically with your content and brand. Don’t overload with too many.

Produce High-Quality Content

Ensure all properties contain content optimized for both users and search engines. Provide real value.

Be Relevant and Natural

Incorporate keywords strategically but focus mainly on producing useful, engaging content.

Interlink Your Properties

Properly interlinking properties reinforces connections and authority across your stack.

Acquire Links Ethically

Earn high-quality backlinks through valuable content and outreach, not manipulative tactics.

Monitor and Maintain

Measure your stack’s impact and keep properties updated. Don’t let them stagnate over time.

Google Stacking vs. Other Link Building Tactics

Google stacking has distinct advantages but also downsides compared to other link building techniques:

Google Stacking Pros

  • Leverages Google’s high authority
  • Can enhance expertise and trust signals
  • Provides protection from manipulative link penalties
  • Opportunity to target multiple keywords

Google Stacking Cons

  • Very time and labor intensive to implement and maintain
  • Not a quick solution – requires patience to build reach
  • Requires creativity to build natural, high-quality content
  • Risk of over-optimizing and appearing spammy

Backlink Outreach Pros

  • Directly builds domain authority
  • Allows targeting of high-quality publications
  • Often quicker than content and stacks

Backlink Outreach Cons

  • Manual outreach is very time consuming
  • Harder to scale compared to Google stacks
  • Higher risk of poor quality or irrelevant links

Paid/Sponsored Posts Pros

  • Quick way to acquire backlinks from authority sites
  • Allows precise targeting by topic, domain etc.

Paid/Sponsored Posts Cons

  • Expensive, especially for competitive keywords
  • Risk of excessive paid links appearing unnatural

As you can see, the effectiveness of Google stacking depends heavily on your specific goals, resources, and competition. There is no universally superior link building approach, but rather optimal strategies based on context.

FAQ About Google Stacking

Is Google stacking considered white hat or black hat SEO?

Properly implemented, Google stacking is considered a legitimate white hat SEO tactic. However, over-optimization could be viewed as manipulative, veering towards black hat techniques.

Can Google stacking work for local SEO?

Yes, optimizing Google My Business is a key component. This can significantly improve local search visibility for businesses.

Should Google stacking be my only focus for SEO?

No, Google stacking should be part of a diversified SEO strategy. Relying solely on one tactic is risky. Maintain a balanced approach.


Google stacking provides a unique opportunity to tap into Google’s extensive ecosystem to build authority and enhance organic visibility. By interlinking optimized entities and distributing equity, stacks make pages more findable in search engines over time.

However, realizing the benefits of Google stacking requires an investment. Significant research, high-quality content, and ongoing maintenance is necessary. Stacking works best as part of a comprehensive SEO approach rather than a standalone tactic.

Pay close attention to shifting search engine algorithms and best practices to ensure your efforts adhere to white hat standards. Wield this powerful technique responsibly.